Magical Museums Part 2

In December we were lucky enough to get into the City twice (of course I mean New York City) . We visited the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Here’s a peek at our day by Rock Center and the Met.

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St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It is every bit as majestic in person as it is in this image!

Well we did it… On December 27th we went by Rockefeller Center to see the Tree and went to the Met! I can’t say I will ever venture into Manhattan that week ever again - it was crazy crowded everywhere!


My second favorite place on the planet. 1. Being the Chalet 2. Is most definitely the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


In all my years of visiting the Met I have never seen so many people there! Here my sis and Liam by the Temple of Dendur.


When you miss your neighbors by 45 minutes… The young lady on the left is Liam’s babysitter!

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Even Liam likes the Frank Lloyd Wright room. The design and all the contents are lovely. We also go through the American Wing when we visit the Met.


The Jewelry exhibit was beautiful - the exhibit showcased jewels over the centuries. The Galleries were set in low light to allow the cases to be showcased. I only took a few images: the Louis Comfort Tiffany exquisite necklace, these bracelets - because I am all about bracelets! I am naked without mine. And on our way out Liam looked up and said “Mom look at the gold in the hair piece - that’s Egyptian and we’ve seen it before.” He was right on all counts.


In between a Manet and a Degas we have Boy In The Corner! Ha… Liam is a big fan of the Met it is the museum he has visited most and ever his mother’s son… he loves a trip to the gift shop! (Insert Hand over Face Emoji!)

I was especially happy to walk through the Impressionist Gallery and take in these masters - having just watched a wonderful two part documentary about the Impressionists. - I have linked the programs here - I can’t recommend viewing them enough!

Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement characterised by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles.

Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement characterised by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles.

I have more than one post card of this painting and every time I visit I take another image. It reminds me of my sister - she’s the first person who ever brought me to the Met - and I love this glorious painting. I love the subject - the seaside and a happy sunny day!

This painting has caught my eye before - but, this time I remarked how it reminded me of a painting by our family friend Helen Flemming (you may remember the Barn painting on the porch is by her) my sister agreed so I grabbed this image.


I love to admire the view of Manhattan from Weehawken, NJ when we leave the Ferry terminal.

Til next time!

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