Autumnal Inspirations '21

Hi Friends… well it is finally that magical season when pumpkins and leaf motifs are everywhere. Enjoy this week’s dive into fall! Click image for source.

F Scott Fitzgerald quote.jpg
Julie ciampa design

Julie ciampa design

Hatice Korkmaz

Hatice Korkmaz

My Mother in laws front porch - completely decked out for the season!

My Mother in laws front porch - completely decked out for the season!

Kaiya - our sanguine home

Kaiya - our sanguine home

Cynthia Schenck Shirey

Cynthia Schenck Shirey

I am a huge fan of fall. Living my entire life in New Jersey - I love the change of seasons - getting out my sweaters, putting on a jacket - seeing the leaves change. Fall represents a feeling of cozy… Fires, Cocoa, Light Candles, Reading under a blanket…. the feeling of happiness in our little home.

Til next time friends be well!

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