Aubergine in Abundance

Lately this color in all it’s wonderful hues has been on my mind; maybe because I’m chomping at the bit for Spring - or maybe because its a favorite of my sister and my dear friend Amy who is celebrating her birthday today! Click image for source.

PURPLE: having a color between red and blue. Merriam-Webster

It is said that purple is a most lavish of all colors. It is the color of magic, power and theology. It is often associated with royalty, nobility, wealth and spirituality all over the world. Different hues have different meanings. Light purple represents femininity, romance and nostalgia. Bright purple suggest riches. Dark purple evokes gloom and sadness.

Other words that represent the color purple: aubergine, amethyst, eggplant, lavender, lilac, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, plum, pomegranate, puce, royal, thistle, violet, wine.

Purple and Violet gemstones are said to calm, increase imagination, remove spiritual obstacles and re-energize learning.

Throughout history, purple were worn by royalty and people of authority. It was a designator of status. Because of the rarity of purple in nature it was expensive to create. In ancient Rome the color was created by boiling snails in lead vats and extracting the color to make Tyrian purple.

The United States Military awards the Purple Heart to soldiers wounded in battle.

A few of Claude Monet's stunning works.

While the color purple represents royalty, lavender represents beauty and femininity.

Here are some phrases associated with purple.

  • “purple cow” something remarkable, unique, stand-out, eye-catching or unusual.

  • “purple haze” is euphoria which may be drug-induced

  • “purple prose” references large exaggerations, lies and highly imaginative writings.

  • “purple speech” is profanity or bad language.

Do you decorate with purple or a variation of it?

Til next time!

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