Spring Around the Chalet

This Spring was long in coming here in Northern New Jersey. We had buckets of rain and the temperatures stayed pretty chilly until just the end of last month - but friends it came and how lovely it all looked! We are on the cusp of the Summer Solstic and temperatures have remained pretty mild. Now, of course we want it to warm up so we can enjoy the swim club! ha!


We have a small Peonies bush.


The Bearded Irises spread every year.


These Siberian Irises were a gift from my sister - she brought some over from her garden!


Nothing better than these old growth Rhododendrons and Mountain Laurel.

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Our Cherry Blossom Tree is gorgeous - to think this was an add-on when we redid the landscaping in 2014.


We have two lilac bushes on the side of the house between the kitchen door and driveway and on the side of the garage - the blooms are many and they smell glorious! If only they didn’t make my nose run I would bring some inside.


These pots by the kitchen door are filled with chives and day-lilies.

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Til next time - I hope you get outdoors to enjoy the weather and some beautiful flora!

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