Anthro Fun

If you follow along on Instagram then you would have caught that my husband and son were away the beginning of the month for a Hockey tournament and I got a chance to hang with friends. One thing I did that was super fun was a bit of shopping. I don’t shop much - you may laugh because I mentioned meeting friends to go thrifting recently and my husband and I went thrifting on Valentines Day but, for me to go clothes shopping - it just doesn’t happen. I can promise you as I type this I am wearing a pair of leggings from Target and a Gap T shirt! This is why I snapped a bunch of pics when I found myself in my local Anthropologie in Montclair, NJ that day.

The store is located on the corner of Bloomfield Avenue and Church Street. Church Street has long been a wonderful destination for shopping and eating in Montclair. There is a multi-screen movie theater The Claridge there as well.

No shocker friends I was immediately drawn to the housewares. Um this blanket… the colors were so vibrant!

I did say clothes shopping didn’t I?

The strawberry pattern really drew me in. My mom Rita had the cutest strawberry wallpaper in the en-suite of my parents home. I know you’re think fruit in a bath but, it was pink and adorable. I do find myself drawn to them.

But, this is what came home with me. It reminds me of a skirt my Mom had in the 1970’s. A full length ball skirt, fully lined including a crinoline and side pockets. It’s very bright! I’m guessing the fabric is Nylon and/or Rayon because there’s no fabric or care labeling - I never thought to check before I left the store. And through all my searches I can not find a trace of this Mauve skirt made in Turkey on-line. It was such a crazy deal too - less than $25.00. That’s my kinda shopping friends! It’s such a fun addition to my wardrobe!

Til next time be well and I hope that spring has sprung where you live!