Mother's Day My Journey


This year as we approach Mother’s Day I wanted to share a bit about my journey to Motherhood. I’ve never been shy about sharing that it took 7-1/2 years to welcome Liam - in this piece I’m just sharing some of the highlights.

A few years after we married we were trying to start a family and nothing was happening, so I visited my doctor and was given the name of two Infertility practices.

Not having an idea about either - we chose the practice at the Hospital. There were tests, shots, procedures and many visits some every other day some daily. After almost 2 years feeling frustrated I went back to my doctor and shared what was happening and this time my doctor said: Oh you need to see my doctor! I worked with him during my residency and he helped me have my twins.” That day I walked to the end of the hall to what I hoped would be our new Infertility practice. The receptionist gave me all the necessary paperwork and set up an appointment. It was September 2008. The practice is RMA and the doctor we were to meet - Dr. Michael R. Drews FACOG.

I believe in seeing things in your minds eye - I saw myself with a baby - I never doubted I would be a Mother - I had the determination - I needed the right doctor to get me there.

I love this image of us. So relaxed at Chatham Bars Inn October 2008. WE have this framed in our bedroom.

I love this image of us. So relaxed at Chatham Bars Inn October 2008. WE have this framed in our bedroom.

Our first meeting with Dr. Drews has become the stuff of family lore… we shared our experience and after listening intently Dr. Drews responded “You want to get up at bat and hit that home run!” Steven and I looked at each other and started laughing and then the doctor apologized for the baseball analogy and we immediately put him at ease telling him that we were huge baseball fans and that he was definitely our doctor!

We started treatments in November 2008. Again there were every other day or daily visits for blood draws, many shots and procedures. We experienced a miscarriage in Spring 2009, this proved I could get pregnant and carry a baby! I choose to look at this event with thankfulness.

I can never thank Dr. Drews and the team at RMA enough for their unwavering support. When at times you can feel like one of the many - this was never the case at RMA. You are an individual and this is why their success rate is so high. I’ll never forget the delivery of additional medication on Christmas Eve 2009 during a snowstorm. I had my final IVF in October 2010. Liam arrived June 30th.

After going through images from that time… it came down to these. A few days before, the day after he was born - look at that perfect face and with both of my boys.


Liam and Fred

the Metropolitan Museum of Art June 2016

the Metropolitan Museum of Art June 2016

Disney World September 2018

Disney World September 2018

My sweet boy… doing all the things he enjoys!

I realized when speaking with a dear friend this morning once this article went live - a mother of three who has traveled her own Infertility road - I needed to add a bit more of my story -

While I was going through this process I didn’t talk about it. I kept my head down and did what I needed to do. Up at 5am for years to get to the Drs. office by 7am to get blood drawn and then go to my office. There were a few who knew - of course - my Sister, my Niece, Steven’s Mom and Brother, a few girlfriends - but, they did not know the details and no one at my office knew anything - every appointment for a procedure was held early in the am or on a weekend. There were some friends who thought Liam was adopted because they hadn’t known I was expecting. I went through the pregnancy with tremendous trepidation - I had a horrible scare 7 weeks before Liam was born he was not moving around - after laying on my side and drinking orange juice - still nothing - in a controlled melt-down I called my doctor who sent me to the Hospital for a PET Scan - unfortunately, no one was able to accompany me… at first the technician could not locate a heartbeat - finally Liam started bouncing around. What a day!!!

Once Liam arrived I talked openly - to this day we know 10 families who have also been patients of Dr. Drews. In addition I gained a beloved lifelong friend there!

And as an aside to anyone going through this: I cut out all caffeine and after my final IVF I laid around all weekend on the couch - I think being still helped it work!


I would not have been successful without the love and support of my husband!

Til next time my friends be well and stay safe! xo

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