how's it hanging 2018?!?


i was thinking about this weeks post - thinking about what i wanted to say. sometimes the storyboards i've mapped out - don't get used the week i think they will. sometimes i'm not in the right mindset for a subject; either by my own doing or others. sometimes i write a piece and hold it.

this process - this place - this thing chaletmomma is about inspiration... it's my work.. it's my passion - i won't push it, rush it or half-ass it. so when the calendar changed last week i started thinking -

38 days in - how's it hanging 2018?!?



February came and it was no big deal. although for many of you out there - you were quite happy to say good riddance to January. i read much - on how January was dragging for many of you. for me the 31 days were delightful. maybe it's me now - in this season of my life? but i'm thankful to say i haven't been struggling with 2018. i haven't been struggling to manage the new date or the new tasks or the new leaf i have turned over... but, i feel it's important to pause and take stock - a mental check-in is vital.


let's review the goals.


  • using my calendar everyday. yes, I've been doing it! yay!!!

  • map out chaletmomma brand production: daily, weekly and monthly. working on it! i have been studying, meeting and making connections.

  • to plan meals and make less trips to the market. a resounding yes!!!

  • to use my crockpot more. yes! I've been using it allot!

  • to read more books. while i haven't been reading - i've listened to books through Hoopla. yay! listening allows multitasking. clean the house. work on a puzzle. sort through bits in the basement. sit at hockey practice. i'm loving Hoopla so much - even while the stack of books in the basket under my desk continues to grows.


as i said i haven't exactly been reading - the copy of A Royal Duty is still unfinished, but i listened to Mrs. Queen Takes The Train and Secrets of a Charmed Life. Both wonderful and i would recommend. i've already started another book on Hoopla from Susan Meissner Stars Over Sunset Boulevard and it's really good.!

secrets of a charmed life.PNG
  • take items to the consignment shops regularly. I have been to the consignment shop twice! and only bought 2 things... i think that's a win! right? hahaha! look at my charming Tiffany box - the pattern, the color and i do have a thing for boxes...

  • iron clothing weekly. yes!

  • travel. we've been skiing!

  • play more games. yes!!! my son just received a new game this week Despicable Me Labyrinth board game.

  • to go on more adventures with my boys. yes!

  • to always have cheese, humus and yummy crackers in the chalet and ready for friends - anytime they can pop over! yes yes yes!

  • drink more Prosecco! oh yes, my friends!

i'm feeling so good about the new year and i so very much hope this finds you in a happy place too!

if you need/want a push - start small with only the most important things. maybe you feel rushed in the morning - set your alarm 10 mins. earlier, set out clothing the night before. maybe your car is messy - take a bag to your car weekly and collect everything and get it out of there. maybe you want to cook more - start out with doing it once a week.

small steps will lead to big changes.

notice i did not say can lead to - i said will - life is about decisions. make a decision and stick to it. don't cheat on yourself or on this one life you have.

i wrote a note and stuck in on the inside of the medicine cabinet. i like to stick notes there. a gentle reminder for myself. this follower prays and hopes, but i've always visualized things - if i could see it in my minds eye than i knew it could be.  golly i'm feeling philosophical today.




til next time.

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