Chaletmomma Happenings / 1-29-25

Hi there friends I hope you’re enjoying your week. This week I thought I’d try something new. Instead of focusing on one subject or event I’m sharing a few things I’m delighting in. I’m not sure how the blog will look going forward but I’m super excited to share this with you! Click images for links. Enjoy!

I’ve been doing a bit of gathering for Valentine’s day…

I’ve been really trying to carve out time to sit and read. I’m loving my latest design book. Alpine Style and Meet Me by the Fountain speaks to this former retail maven with it’s statistics and wistful memories.

I recently found a yummy Sand and Fog candle at TJMaxx…. here’s another.

I looked at the bookstacks last week and decided to shift the colors of the spines a bit. I like how all the oranges are on the left now… although I’m still thinking I need to annex the cream book from middle top. Isn’t it funny how you can live with something for ages and all the sudden one day look and no longer love what you see?!?

I’ve fallen hard for these JCrew Factory Tissue Turtlenecks. I purchased Black and Black Stripe. They have a nice tight neck and I use them as laying pieces under my wool sweaters. Not only am I not itchy - they enable me to hold off drycleaning longer. I purchased size Medium.

I’ve been relishing sunshine - we’ve had such a grey frigid month and it hit a low of -1* F January 22nd and this week it’s actually above 25*F Yeah!

I found this Shrig Shop image through Instagram. I love the word Rubbish and I’m going to challenge myself to start using it instead of a curseword!

I’m enjoying the first tulips of the year! Thank you Trader Joes!

Til next time friends I hope you’ll pop over to Instagram … much thanks as always for being here. xx

Chaletmomma Gift Guide 2024

I believe books are a necessity of life so of course I love gifting them. Here are a few suggestions. Click image to be linked to Good Reads.


Kiss Good Night is a delight - my son and I read it every night for years. Little Blue Truck is now a series of 14 books. We had the original and loved it.

Pre-teens / Teens:

I loved Harriet the Spy and these titles by Jane Langton. I feel Harry Potter is meant for 11 year olds. That’s the age Harry is as a first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

These graphic novels introduce Shakespeare in an easy to digest format.




Biography & Memoirs:

How about a few Kennedy or Kennedy adjunct titles:




Many of you know of my affection for Ann Patchett. These are my top picks with the Dutch House being my favorite work of modern fiction.

Maybe I love these so much because I’m a hockey mom but, the characters are gripping.





The history of the Met and three works of fiction that reference the museum.

If you saw something above that makes you think of a loved one for this holiday season yay! If not I encourage you to pop into your local or second hand bookstore (thrifted books make great gifts too!) shopping small is so vital to our communities friends. Loose yourself in the stacks!

Check out these previous posts for additional inspiration. Til next time be well and I’ll see you over on Instagram. Happy Gifting!