Hey 2021!
/Friends I’m sure we can all agree - every one of us was more than ready to bid Farewell to 2020 and say Welcome to 2021!
The year started off with me finishing a client space with fresh paint and styling. I was incredibly excited for my business at the start of 2020.
Since March 13th (the day we started staying home) we slowly made our way through a list of both small and big projects.
recovered a stool
added additional rugs to the porch.
recovered a chair
started on the basement - the basement is an ongoing project. Both my husband and myself are children of collectors - that coupled with the fact that we don’t store anything in our attic - well you can guess what the process of clearing out has been. We want to create a family room space for our son to hang out with his friends as well as eventually incorporating a bath, strategic storage and laundry facilities - This will not be accomplished overnight - as we approach year 18 of ownership here at the Chalet we are working hard to be good stewards.
organized closets
hooks in the Pantry
redecorated the bath twice - (details in a forthcoming post)
sewed pillow covers
painted the stair-hall to the basement. (still working on that! need to redo the stair treads with paint and add a runner.)
painted the kitchen
new mantel lamp
swapped art
new light fixture in the dining room
new rug in the diningroom
new lampshade for a diningroom lamp
new artwork
Remote Learning Spring 2020
I learned how to Face Time with multiple people and I learned how to Zoom.
I think I’ve finally learned how to cook the perfect Pot Roast. I settled on a recipe from Ree Drummond the Pioneer Woman. The boys seem happy with it!
We were blessed to enjoy a relatively normal late spring and summer - with swim club days and two weeks at the beach.
This livingroom redo came my way late summer. I was looking up rugs options for my dear friend and client on our way to the beach. Details in a forthcoming post.
In the fall my son got back to remote learning and just a bit of hockey before it was cancelled. He was able to Trick or Treat - albeit differently. My sister and I had the opportunity to tour the much anticipated Mansion in May - which became Splendor in September and meet an Insta friend Aliya Riaz. My husband rebuilt the side brick walkway, laid rocks, new sod and finished building this amazing structure on our property called The Hut.
In November we took an Autumnal Train Ride in New Hope, PA with family and enjoyed a spectacular dinner at Lambertville Station Restaurant. I also bought a scale - it’s time to get it together regarding my weight and exercise. While both Thanksgiving and Christmas were different we are very blessed with our health, our family and our beautiful home.
i started actively listening to Podcasts. I really enjoy listening to voices. I read or listened to 29 titles in 2020. Reading is a joyful experience I’ve participated in since I was quite young. I oversee a book club at church and I’m the chair of the Literacy Committee at my sons school. I hope I can read more titles this year!
In 2020 I learned what I will and won’t do for others and myself. I learned the term capacity. I learned what I truly crave. I learned what I want for my business. I learned social media can be a place of true connections. I learned how incredibly blessed I am to have a home I treasure and 2020 reaffirmed I’m a homebody.
Happy New Year! Til next time be well!