Hello friends I’m continuing to embrace all things Christmas - so this week I thought it would be fun to share how we enjoy the holidays here in the Chalet.

Mantel and Tree .jpg

On the day the bins come up from the basement and decorating commences - we select our movie to start off the day - this year we started with White Christmas and went straight into A Christmas Carol - the 1951 version is darker than the 1938 version, I also like the 1935 Scrooge, we also have Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol, and this 1969 cartoon is fun - I am really fond of this character I could write an entire piece about all the versions of this Charles Dickens tale of awakening which I love so much! It all started with the Giant coloring book you see here I had when I was little - how I wish I still had it!


Our holidays wouldn’t be complete without watching these films: The Bishops Wife, Miracle on 34th Street, The Bells of St. Mary’s, The Shop Around the Corner and Holiday Inn. The 1977 version of The Nutcracker ballet with Mikhail Baryshnikov and Gelsey Kirkland is a favorite and this year we introduced Home Alone to our son.

Our Tree is chockablock full. It’s a mix of Shiny Brites that were my folks, ornaments mom bought me, a few I crafted, ones I’ve been buying yearly, bits Liam’s made - In addition you’ll see a few extra special Christmas cards and gift tags - finall…

Our Tree is chockablock full. It’s a mix of Shiny Brites that were my folks, ornaments mom bought me, a few I crafted, ones I’ve been buying yearly, bits Liam’s made - In addition you’ll see a few extra special Christmas cards and gift tags - finally it’s topped with some felt gingerbread garland and paper-chains!

Other programs not to be missed: The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting, CMA Country Christmas and of course re-watching our favorites - Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, The Year Without a Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman, The Little Drummer Boy, Dr. Seuss How The Grinch Stole Christmas, The Polar Express and A Charlie Brown Christmas. We listen to tons of holiday music from Andy Williams, Nat King Cole, Dave Brubeck and Pentatonix among current artists Christmas renditions and my favorite Nutcracker disc is often playing.

I used to decorate the day after Thanksgiving and wrap gifts that weekend. I don’t rush to get it all done quite as quickly anymore. I do have a few things under the tree but, I can’t place anything under the tree for a certain someone until he goes to bed on Christmas Eve after our family leave. Gearing up for our Christmas Eve celebration means baking - cookies, magic cookie bars and some years a cake yum! Gathering on Christmas Eve in the Chalet is carrying on a tradition my Mother started in 1968.

We celebrate with tons of hors d’oeuvres - my Mom’s famous hot crab meat dip, dill dip and savoy treats like chopped chicken liver; while the main course changes from year to year, we always have a bunch of options for dessert. Meanwhile It’s A Wonderful Life plays in the background. This year we may add a card game into the mix - my son is really into them lately - maybe Would Ya, Utter Nonsense or The Voting Game…. The night is always topped off with holiday crackers and all of us adorning our paper crowns and sharing silly jokes!

my sister and niece

my sister and niece

scenes from a 2019

scenes from a 2019

If you’re interested in movies that are not specifically about Christmas read my post Film Favorites.


From our home to yours Happy Holidays.

Til next time stay safe!

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Chaletmomma Gift Guide 2020

Hello friends - for those of you who haven’t quite finished your holiday shopping I thought I’d share some gift ideas! Click image for link.

Something for the ladies…

Something for the kiddos…

Something for the guys…

Honorable Mentions…

What about a gift card for a friends homegrown on-line business or shop?


Let’s remember our communities this season!

What about tickets to a local museum, playhouse, musical venue or sports team? Not selling tickets due to Covid - dummy one up using this template until you’re able to offer the recipient an actual ticket. What about a gift card to a local restaurant or shop?


Til next time Happy Shopping! Stay safe and be well!

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