Captivating Collections

I love collecting objects - so many of us do - today I want to take a deep dive and share some magical images. Enjoy. Click image for source.

Tricia Brown

Tricia Brown

Melissa Parks

Melissa Parks

Emily A. Clark

Emily A. Clark

Charlotte M. Smith

Charlotte M. Smith

Michele Strauts

Michele Strauts

I own this wonderful book and leafing through it was the start of this piece.



Ester Lee

Ester Lee



I have a love of art, blue and white ceramics, books and more!

What do you collect? Thank you for taking the time to be here. Stay safe!

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Images: Accounts Linked

Bright Ideas

Lighting is something that can completely alter the look and feel of a space.


For about a year I looked for a new light for our diningroom; until I found this pendant by Kouboo. I know some don’t understand the change but, I simply love the textural feel the wicker brings to the room. If you follow along on Instagram then you know we now have a new rug but, I’ll chat about that another time.

Today I want to share more wonderful examples with you.

Emily A. Clark

Emily A. Clark

Studio McGee

Studio McGee

Dina Holland

Dina Holland

Ann Lacouture

Ann Lacouture

Sarah Hart

Sarah Hart

Nicole Blackmon

Nicole Blackmon

Alison Sheffield

Alison Sheffield

Kate Ferguson & Joanne O’Neil

Kate Ferguson & Joanne O’Neil

Prudence C. Bailey

Prudence C. Bailey

Michele Strauts

Michele Strauts

Gladys Tay

Gladys Tay

Erin Francois

Erin Francois

Is there any one fixture that speaks to you? I could absolutely see any one of these lights in the Chalet. That’s my downfall friends - I like it all! And anyway would I have shared anything I didn’t LOVE! hahaha!

Til next time my friends be well and be safe!

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Images: Accounts Listed and Linked.